Creating with Candy


    October is here! My favorite month. I love the smell of the rain washed air, sweater weather, apple picking, pumpkin spiced everything, my birthday, Halloween, and colorful leaves! So much to love. This year Sprinkles and I decided to try our hands (and hooves) at making some homemade Candy Corn Paint- and it totally worked!

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  • Grow A Rainbow

    You maybe wondering where rainbows actually come from.  I know in school they tell you that rain and sunlight equal rainbows… but I am here to tell you that there is more to it. As many of you know, I have a pet unicorn named Sprinkles. She is the best. One of the perks of having a magical creature living under your roof is the getting to go on vacations to where they grew up. She is from the Cotton  Candy Kingdom (where her parents are the king and queen- another perk). One day she took me to their magical botanical garden and I was mesmerized by what I saw.

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  • Cotton Candy Sensory Play

    When you think of Cotton Candy, I am sure you have fond memories of going to the fair, carnival or perhaps the beach boardwalk. I have fond memories of those things too. However, when you have a pet unicorn who grew up in a magical land called, The Cotton Candy Kingdom, you get all sorts of extra sweet memories. Pun intended.

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  • Wiggly Waves Sensory Bin

    I recently took up a new part-time nanny gig with an adorable little munchkin. She is honestly one of the most laid back baby’s I have ever met in my life– such a delight. I of course was excited to try a new sensory play project with her! I am proud to say she enjoyed it just as much… (if not more) than me! Which is great…. because it’s for her, ha! It’s fun, squishy, and smells like heaven. If you have a baby or a toddler who loves to play in messes and explore, this is a great option for you.

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  • Nerds Garden

    On Valentines Day Sprinkles received a giant box of Nerds. Nerds are not her favorite candy… but it’s the thought that counts. We decided that since we have been really into creating with candy the past few weeks, that we would do the same with the Nerds. If you would like to create a sweet smelling garden with Nerds… keep reading!

      Here’s what you’ll need:


    Spray Bottle (with water)

    Watercolor Paper

    Colored Pencils


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  • Laffy Taffy Finger Paints

    I am not going to lie… I love banana Laffy Taffy. It’s delicious… and smells amazing. It’s even my favorite color… yellow. So while walking up and down the Valentine’s aisle,  with Sprinkles, I decided to pick up a bag of Laffy Taffy. While painting Sprinkle’s hooves and munching on a piece, I got an idea. Why not try making finger paints out of them? Seriously, why not? We have been painting with a lot of candy lately. It’s been better for our teeth and adds more fun colors to hang on our refrigerator.

    They turned out great and smelled amazing. If you would like to try creating with your candy instead of eating it, you should really try out this recipe!

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  • Pixy Stix Watercolors

    My pet unicorn, Sprinkles, is a big fan of Pixy Stix. I am not crazy about them… I am not huge on sour things and let’s face it– its like drinking straight up sugar. Unicorns, unlike humans, require a lot of unrefined sugar in their diets to stay healthy… so we keep them on hand. The orange ones are like vitamin C to unicorns. Last week I made Sprinkles a big bowl of mixed Pixy Stix powders. As I was pouring them into her bowl, I had an idea. I wonder if I mixed water into one of the colors I could make a paint. Well… it totally worked. So I made paints out of all the colors! Sprinkles was happy and so was I. Perfect.

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  • Skittles Paint

    So the other day Sprinkles and I were having  sleep over with some of our friends from the Cotton Candy Kingdom (The Tooth Fairy and The Easter Bunny). They both were really needing a little getaway. Apparently, 2015 was a huge year for losing teeth… and we all know Easter is really not that far off.  I thought it would be great to use the opportunity to invite our friends to Colorado for fun girls night/sleepover. We rented chick flicks, ordered pizza, and of course… set out a whole bunch of bright colorful candy.

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  • Cupid’s Garden

    The aisles at every grocery store in town are full of chocolates, hearts and candy… you know what that means– Valentine’s Day is upon us.

    A few months ago while on a long weekend to the Cotton Candy Kingdom (CCK), my pet unicorn, Sprinkles, I ran into Cupid. When it’s not Valentine’s Day, he spends his time planting a giant lollipop garden in the CCK. Where do you think all of that Valentine’s candy comes from? Anyhow, it got me thinking and I came up with a fun Valentine activity to do with your own little cherubs. Perhaps it will become a new Valentine tradition in your family. :)

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  • Gum Ball Paint

    Playing with your food is always fun… often frowned upon… but always fun. In my opinion, playing with candy is the ultimate fun when it come to food playing. It’s so bright, colorful and sweet. Well, other day my pet unicorn, Sprinkles, and I went to the candy shop in town. We got all sorts of fun stuff! I didn’t realize on our walk home that there was a small hole in my bag. I began to notice that my bag was getting lighter, and turned around to see some of my gum balls had fallen onto the ground and rolled into a puddle. I was really bummed… until I walked over and saw what had happened in the puddle. The gum balls began to bleed colors in the puddle and made the water rainbow colors. I kicked one of the gum balls out of the puddle and onto the sidewalk. It made a beautiful marbled streak as it rolled around and eventually landed in the grass. Needless to say that Sprinkles and I hurried home with our remaining gum balls to make some beautiful gum ball art.

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